Greenview Cemetery

Greenview Cemetery is an playful illustrated children's book that tells the story of Professor Harvey McGee, an eccentric inventor who dies, and leaves behind a very strange invention - a robotic headstone named Theo 3000. Once placed in Greenview Cemetery, Theo 3000 entertains the locals and transforms this once inactive and scary memorial park into a landscape rich with sculpture and family legacy. The story attempts to convey the importance of art and individuality in the cemetery, and how our cultural and family history is preserved in a cemetery. It is a fun, imaginative story for children and adults alike, to imagine what a cemetery could, and should be.


Maybe death is like a light

Maybe Death is Like a Light is an illustrated children's book that uses simple examples to open up the conversation about death and what it means. Each example (a song, a hot fudge sunday, a lost toy) creates an everyday, normal association to death. The author never implies to know what exactly death is, or what happens to a person after they die, but creates a variety of analogies and associations to give parents a starting point in approaching a very difficult and often abstract concept.